
In the world of Node.js, Express.js's middleware and Fastify's plugins are two prominent patterns for managing request handling and application flow. A key differentiator between these two patterns lies in their approach to initialization. This post will focus on dissecting this aspect, highlighting how Fastify's asynchronous initialization addresses some of the issues inherent to middleware's synchronous initialization.

The Challenge of Synchronous Initialization in Middleware

Middleware in Express.js has a synchronous initialization approach. This means that middleware is loaded and prepared for execution during the application startup, which is a synchronous operation. At first glance, this may seem straightforward and efficient. However, this simplicity masks some underlying complexities.

The primary challenge arises when middleware requires asynchronous initialization, which is common for operations like database queries. This discrepancy between the synchronous initialization of middleware and the asynchronous operations they often need to perform leads to leaky abstractions and broken encapsulation.

Middleware authors may use a lazy initialization approach to mitigate this, where asynchronous initialization occurs after the first request. This technique, though, necessitates the implementation of an internal queue, which can be tricky to manage correctly. Besides, it delays all requests made prior to the completion of asynchronous initialization, potentially leading to unforeseen failures in high-demand scenarios.

Fastify Plugins and Asynchronous Initialization

Fastify, a newer web framework for Node.js, introduces plugins with an asynchronous initialization pattern. This approach starkly contrasts Express.js's middleware, providing a solution to the challenges associated with synchronous initialization.

Fastify plugins are asynchronous functions that receive the application instance and an options object. They can add functionality, register child plugins, and perform any necessary asynchronous setup during initialization. In other words, Fastify plugins have two asynchronous phases: init (initialization) and operation.

With this pattern, any asynchronous initialization of a plugin dependency is fully encapsulated. Configuration details (e.g., a database URI) are passed into the plugin options, and the asynchronous setup is managed within the plugin itself.

Fastify's asynchronous plugin system uses a battle-tested and well-implemented queueing system for all plugins, resulting in an intuitive initialization process. By internalizing a queueing system into the framework and providing a frictionless abstraction, plugin authors can focus on straightforward functionality without having to solve the same computer science problem each time.


Fastify's asynchronous initialization pattern offers a compelling alternative to the synchronous initialization seen in Express.js's middleware. It provides superior encapsulation, avoids unexpected delays during request handling, and allows for a more intuitive process for managing asynchronous operations during initialization. While the middleware pattern has served us well, the shift towards asynchronous patterns like Fastify plugins is an exciting development in the ever-evolving landscape of Node.js frameworks.